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Can You Freeze Cheese Sauce?

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By Ross Young

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4 minutes

Smooth and creamy, cheese sauce is a key ingredient for Welsh Rarebit, nachos, baked potatoes, and more. But it’s easy to make too much, which can leave you wondering, “Can I freeze cheese sauce?”

Can You Freeze Cheese Sauce?

Yes, you can freeze cheese sauce for around 3 months. Cheese sauce is great for making in large batches which can then be frozen into smaller portions in either freezer bags or airtight containers. (**Full Instructions Below – Freezing, Thawing, Cheese Variations, Etc**)

Do Does Cheese Sauce freeze well? Sometimes

Can you refreeze Cheese Sauce? Not Recommended

How to Freeze Cheese Sauce

freeze cheese sauce 1 scaled

When it comes to freezing cheese sauce, there are certain things you should be aware of before putting your sauce in the freezer.


Cheeses with a higher fat content will freeze best, and therefore, harder cheeses like cheddar and parmesan freeze particularly well.

You can freeze some of the most common sauces such as bechamel, mornay, cheddar cheese sauce, and nacho cheese sauce. But remember, the cheese may separate a bit during freezing….which is why we have reheating tips below.

Here’s our simple guide:

  1. Leave to Cool
    Once cooked, leave the cheese sauce to one side to cool completely. This could take a few hours.
  2. Decide on Portion Sizes
    Consider how you use cheese sauce to decide on the best portion sizes to use in the freezer. If you usually need cheese sauce for mac and cheese then you’ll need more sauce than you would as a simple dip, for example.
  3. Label and Date
    Clearly label the freezer-safe container and note the date on which it was prepared. (It’s much easier to do prior to adding the cheese sauce.)
  4. Place into Containers
    Once you know the portion sizes you want to use, you should pour your cheese sauce into freezer-safe containers (ziploc bags work too), before sealing the containers tightly.
  5. Freeze
    You can then pop the containers into the freezer until you need them.

How to Freeze Cheese Sauce Variations

You now know how to freeze a basic cheese sauce. But, as you will be aware, cheese sauces come in a whole range of styles and varieties. Below, we have explained whether or not it is possible to freeze different sauce variations:

Can You Freeze Homemade Cheese Sauce?

Yes, you can freeze homemade cheese sauce. In fact, freezing homemade cheese sauce is better than freezing store-bought sauce as you have a lot more control over the cheese that goes into it.

Can You Freeze Vegan Cheese Sauce?

Vegan cheese can be a little temperamental when frozen, especially texturally. The same is true for vegan cheese sauce. Although you can freeze it, it is likely to split and become quite grainy once it has been thawed.

Can You Freeze Cheddar Cheese Sauce?

Yes, you can freeze cheddar cheese sauce. With cheddar being a hard cheese, it is one of the best cheese sauces to freeze. It will retain a punchy cheesy flavour and the texture is unlikely to split during the freezing process.

Can You Freeze Blue Cheese Sauce?

Although you can freeze blue cheese sauce, it’s not the best sauce to freeze. It will lose its creamy texture and the flavour will degrade rapidly. Instead, freeze a white sauce which you can then stir blue cheese into when you defrost and reheat it.

Can You Freeze Nacho Cheese Sauce?

Yes, you can freeze nacho cheese sauce, especially if you follow a recipe (like this one) that uses high-fat ingredients such as whole milk. You may find it separates a little once thawed but a rigorous stir over a low heat can fix this pretty quickly.

How Long Can Cheese Sauce be Frozen?

Cheese sauce will keep for around 3 months in the freezer providing that it is stored in airtight containers.

Because it’s dairy-based, you shouldn’t keep cheese sauce in the freezer for much longer than 3 months. This time frame is applicable to most cheese sauce recipes. Although it’s likely to be safe to eat beyond 3 months, the quality will drop the longer it is kept in the freezer.

However, avoid using your cheese sauce if it has a pungent smell once defrosted or is discoloured. But, as has already been mentioned, don’t worry if the consistency is different, as this is expected once the sauce has been frozen.

How Long Will Cheese Sauce Last in the Fridge?

If you know you’ll use up your cheese sauce fairly quickly, then you might not need to freeze it at all. Cheese sauce can be kept in the fridge for around 3 to 4 days. Once cool, pour into a container and seal, ensuring it is airtight.

How to Defrost Cheese Sauce

The best way to defrost cheese sauce is to remove it from the freezer and transfer it to the fridge to thaw overnight. If you place dairy out on the worktop, you run the risk of it going bad if your room is too warm.

Don’t forget to stir the cheese sauce before adding it to your dish to ensure you get the right consistency. If it’s too thick, then you can add a splash of milk. If it’s too thin, then try stirring in some grated cheese.

If you’re in a rush, you can defrost your cheese sauce in the microwave, but make sure it is on the lowest setting and thaw in short bursts of just 10 to 20 seconds, stirring between each burst to ensure it defrosts evenly.

Can You Refreeze Cheese Sauce?

We strongly recommend that you NOT refreeze cheese sauces.


There is an increased risk of foodborne pathogens if you refreeze cheese sauce.

There’s a high risk of bacterial growth if the sauce is left at room temperature for too long during the thawing process, or while you work to eat it. It’s best to thaw only the amount of cheese sauce you plan on consuming.

Does Cheese Sauce Freeze Well?

Yes, cheese sauces made from cheeses with a high-fat content freeze extremely well. You should have no problem freezing them and defrosting them whenever you’re ready, making it the ideal sauce to keep on hand in the freezer.

If, however, you’ve made a cheese sauce with a creamy, soft cheese then you will have some textural issues. You’ll find the once silky-smooth sauce has become grainy and split. It will also lose its strong cheesy flavour if you’ve opted for a blue cheese such as gorgonzola.

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