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Can You Freeze Cassoulet?

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By Ross Young

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Cassoulet is a delicious meal you can prepare in batches but does this mean it can then be stored in the freezer or not?

Can You Freeze Cassoulet?

Yes, you can freeze cassoulet for up to 3 months. Once cooled, transfer portions of cassoulet into resealable airtight containers, seal them up and then pop them into the freezer with a clear label.

Do Does Cassoulet freeze well? Yes

Can you refreeze Casoulet? No

How to Freeze Cassoulet

Cassoulet is pretty straightforward to freeze. However, you should be mindful of what you put into it. If itā€™s stuffed with meat, you will also need to be careful when defrosting it, but we will get to that section later.

For now, hereā€™s everything you need to know about freezing your cassoulet.Ā 

  1. Allow to Cool: When preparing your cassoulet, you will need to let it cool before transferring it to the fridge or freezer. It will usually take a few hours to return to room temperature.
  2. Transfer to Freezer-Safe containers: Separate it into freezer-safe containers or bags if youā€™re short of space. When youā€™re transferring the mixture into containers, make sure you evenly distribute the ingredients into each portion.
  3. Seal and Label: You should write on the date that it was prepared, as well as the date that it should be used on a clear label before sealing the containers up tight.
  4. Freeze: Once your portions are divvied up, sealed, and labelled, the only thing left to do is transfer the containers to the freezer.Ā 

3 Tips for Freezing Cassoulet

Now you know how to freeze it, we’ve got our 3 top tips which we strongly recommend following when freezing cassoulet to have the best results:

Add Crumbs Afterwards
One of the best things about cassoulet is the crumbled breadcrumbs on top that give the dish that delightful crisp when it has been baked in the oven. Itā€™s best to leave off the breadcrumbs when you freeze your cassoulet. If you leave the breadcrumbs on, they will go mushy and wonā€™t give you the texture you desire when it comes to cooking.Ā 

Add Water
When youā€™ve thawed your cassoulet, you might need to add a little extra water to the dish before reheating it. Be careful with this, as you donā€™t want to affect the taste by watering it down, but equally, you will probably need to add a splash of water to ensure it cooks well.

Avoid Freezing Softer Herbs
You may want to be careful when it comes to freezing certain herbs. Some green herbs donā€™t do overly well in the freezer and can taste off when thawed. You can always add the herbs to your dish when youā€™ve thawed it.

Soft Fresh Herbs

How Long Can You Freeze Cassoulet?

You can freeze cassoulet for around three months. 

However, as mentioned, if youā€™re preparing a vegetarian cassoulet, you can freeze it for up to six months.

If you use any particular type of meat that youā€™re unsure about freezing, itā€™s best to research in advance how long they can be safely frozen, as you donā€™t want to risk ruining your dish!Ā 

How Long Does Cassoulet Last in the Fridge?

Once cooled, you can keep a cassoulet in the fridge for around 4 days. It should be kept in an airtight, rigid container.

How Do You Defrost Cassoulet?

Because of the high meat content, you must be careful when defrosting cassoulet.

Never defrost meat at room temperature, as harmful bacteria can grow on the surface. You should remove the cassoulet from the freezer the night before you want to eat it and place it in the fridge. It should remain covered and will defrost overnight.Ā 

Can You Refreeze Cassoulet?

Itā€™s best to avoid refreezing the cassoulet once you have defrosted it.

Because it is filled with beans and meat, the texture wonā€™t do well when itā€™s refrozen, and it could quickly become mushy. You should be careful to measure your portion sizes appropriately before freezing, so you donā€™t waste any cassoulet when you defrost it.Ā 

Does Cassoulet Freeze Well?

Cassoulet freezes well, and some say that the more time it sits, the more chance the flavours have to infuse.

Just remember to leave out some of the herbs and also leave off the breadcrumb topping! Otherwise, your cassoulet is ready to go in the freezer and should cause you no problems at all.Ā 

Related FAQs

If you’ve still got questions about freezing cassoulet or cassoulet in general, then these may help:

Can You Freeze Jarred Cassoulet?

Yes, once you have removed some cassoulet from a traditional jar, you can pop the rest into a freezer-safe container and freeze it for around 3 months.

Can You Freeze Sausage Cassoulet?

All forms of cassoulet can be frozen, but you need to consider the ingredients you have used to make it. Generally, all meat can be frozen, provided it is stored correctly and then reheated so it is piping hot.

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