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Can You Freeze Butternut Squash Soup?

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By Ross Young

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Rich, creamy, and packed with flavour and goodness, butternut squash soup is a winter-warming dish that makes for the perfect lunch option when the weather takes a turn for the worse.

It can be infused with various spices, herbs, and other vegetables, but however you make it, you will probably want to preserve it in batches so you can return to it at a later date.

With that in mind, is it possible to freeze butternut squash soup? Letā€™s take a look now.

The Quick Answer

Yes, you can freeze butternut squash soup. Butternut squash soup can be frozen for around 3 months. Butternut squash soup, like other vegetable-based soups, freezes extremely well. Allow it to cool, divvy it up into portions, and it will last in the freezer for several months.

4 minutes

How to Freeze Butternut Squash Soup

Youā€™ll be pleased to hear that thereā€™s nothing too awkward or difficult about freezing butternut squash soup. Whether it’s shop-bought or homemade, you can go about freezing it in exactly the same way.

Here are the simple steps that you need to follow:

  1. Blend
    If you enjoy a smooth and creamy texture to your soup, itā€™s a good idea to blend it before you freeze it. This is particularly the case if youā€™ve added other chunky pieces of vegetables to your soup, such as carrots or parsnips. Blend it until you have your desired consistency.
  2. Allow to Cool
    Transfer your soup from the pan you used to heat it. A shallow dish or bowl works perfectly well. This will cool the soup down more quickly. You should never put warm butternut squash soup directly in the fridge or freezer.
  3. Separate Into Portions
    You can absolutely freeze butternut squash soup in batches, or if you would prefer, you can separate it into individual portion sizes. The latter makes it easier when it comes to defrosting your soup, but either method is perfectly safe and appropriate, it just depends on how you plan to reheat it.
  4. Place in Tupperware Boxes
    Ladle your butternut squash soup into appropriately sized Tupperware boxes. Be sure to leave around one inch in depth from the top, to allow space for expansion when itā€™s in the freezer.
  5. Label and Freeze
    Once boxed and sealed, write the date you prepared your butternut squash, as well as its use-by date, on the lid and place it in the freezer. 

3 Tips for Freezing Butternut Squash Soup

Now you know how to freeze it, we’ve got our 3 top tips which we strongly recommend following when freezing butternut squash soup to have the best results:

  • Freeze Into Weekly Portions – Not everyone has enough space in the freezer for multiple boxes of butternut squash soup, which can make it difficult to split it into appropriate portion sizes. Instead, consider freezing the soup in weekly serving sizes if youā€™ve made a particularly large batch. This way, you can defrost your soup for the week at any given time, and then leave it covered in the fridge until you come to use it. You will find that butternut squash soup can last in the fridge for 4-5 days after being defrosted.
  • Reheat Over a Low Heat – Depending on the consistency of your soup, you might notice that the texture is not as smooth as youā€™d hoped for when it is defrosted. This is nothing to worry about! When youā€™re reheating your soup, just be sure to warm it on a low heat, stirring gently until you achieved the desired consistency. You may need to add a splash of water as you stir.
  • Avoid Using Bags – Although you might be tempted to save space, itā€™s never a good idea to freeze soup in freezer-safe bags. Just imagine the mess if the bag pierces, and you have orange coloured soup all throughout your freezer. It doesnā€™t bear thinking about! If youā€™re short for space, look for a Tupperware box that is suitably sized and freeze your soup in a batch.

How Long Can You Freeze Butternut Squash Soup?

You can freeze butternut squash for around three months.

Other sources might tell you that you can freeze soup for much longer than this, in some cases up to twelve months. While it may well be safe to freeze butternut squash soup for such a long period, you canā€™t be sure of its taste after the three months is up.

So, for best results, try and use your butternut squash soup within twelve weeks.

You Can Freeze Butternut Squash Soup for up to 3 Months

How Do You Defrost Butternut Squash Soup?

The best way to defrost butternut squash soup is to remove it from the freezer the night before you intend to eat it, and place it in the fridge. It will then be ready to enjoy and reheat however you see fit.

Alternatively, you can defrost your soup in the microwave at the lowest possible setting. Some microwaves even have soup as a pre-programmed option, which makes life even easier.

We wouldnā€™t recommend reheating your soup straight from frozen, as you might struggle to heat it evenly.

Can You Refreeze Butternut Squash Soup?

Providing you have defrosted your butternut squash soup in the fridge, thereā€™s absolutely no reason why you canā€™t refreeze it if you have any leftovers.

So, if youā€™ve taken too much out for one sitting and donā€™t plan on using it within the next couple of days, simply recover your soup and return it to the freezer.

Does Butternut Squash Soup Freeze Well?

Butternut squash soup freezes extremely well. Itā€™s a great soup to make ahead of time in a batch and defrost whenever you fancy a warming bowl of soup for your lunch or dinner.

The only issue you might have is with its consistency when you reheat it, but this can be easily rectified by stirring it gently over a low heat. Overall, as is the case with many other vegetable-based soups, butternut squash soup freezes really well.

Related FAQs

If you’ve still got questions about freezing butternut squash soup or soup in general, then these may help:

Can You Freeze Butternut Squash Soup With Cream?

Where possible, we would strongly recommend not freezing soup with cream in it as the cream can split which leads to the soup having a grainy texture. Instead, freeze the soup without cream then, once defrosted and reheated, stir it in to finish it. 

Can You Freeze All Soup?

In general, soup can be frozen. There are a few soups you’ll want to avoid freezing, such as some fish soup and most cream-based soup. If you want full details on freezing soup then check out our guide

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